吸尘器吸管头全新升级 污垢去除器Dust Daddy多功能清洁配件

吸尘器吸管头全新升级 污垢去除器Dust Daddy多功能清洁配件
供应商信息 普通会员第7
机: 15267735895


How It Works This vacuum attachment contains dozens of tiny suction tubes that pick up dust and dirt as they move. These suction tubes are flexible, so they'll reach almost anywhere, including into an air vent or down a drain. Since they're softer than hard plastic, they won't cause damage to fragile objects while sucking up dust around them, and they're small enough that they won't automatically suck up tiny objects. Features Portable Any Dust Daddy attachment is small enough that you can transport it in your car or even on a bus. That means if you want to use yours with another vacuum, such as one at your workplace, it won't be extremely difficult for you to get it there. Since each attachment comes with a universal adapter, too, you won't end up bringing yours someplace only to find that it won't fit on the vacuum there. Attractive Design Each of these attachments comes in a color combination of blue, white, black and silver, which are common vacuum colors, so they'll look nice attached to almost any vacuum. Positive Points Gently Clean Digital Devices When you want to clean dust off your digital devices or accessories, such as your laptop or your PC's keyboard, there's often the worry that your cleaning tool won't be gentle and will cause damage. Fortunately, with the Dust Daddy, you won't need to worry about that, as its suction tubes will be gentle enough to glide around small keys and buttons without damaging them. Can Clean Fake Plants If you've got a lot of artificial plants with small, delicate leaves in your home, you'll be able to clean these with your Dust Daddy attachment, too. As with a computer keyboard, it'll be gentle enough that it won't damage your plants by ripping the leaves, and it'll be able to reach every inch of a plant that might be dusty. No Pre-cleaning Required When you're going to do some cleaning with a standard vacuum, you're probably familiar with having to remove small objects such as jewelry, nuts and bolts and Lego from an area before you do so. However, when you use this particular attachment, you won't need to partake in any of this pre-cleaning, as you'll be able to grab all the dust around any objects without sucking them up. Useful in Car Besides getting rid of dust and dirt in your home, this attachment is also an ideal one to use in the car when you notice dust throughout its interior. It'll clean under seats, between seats, around the gearshift and any other interior location in which dust and dirt may have accumulated. If you've got two of these attachments, you may even want to keep one in your vehicle permanently. Alternatives Other Vacuum Attachments Other vacuum attachments aren't as effective as the Dust Daddy, since they aren't made of as flexible material and are therefore limited by their shape and sometimes their size. It's not likely that another attachment will be able to reach as far down into a crack or cranny as this one. Plus, a lot of them will only work with one type of vacuum. Professional Cleaning Crew You could hire a professional cleaning crew to vacuum and dust your home, but they'll be underfoot for up to hours at a time and will expect payment. There's also no guarantee that they'll bring any tools that are better than the Dust Daddy, either. Negative Points Tubes Could Break / Get Stuck Since the suction tubes on the end of each Dust Daddy attachment are smaller and more flexible than the parts that normally make up a vacuum attachment, they may be more likely to break. If one or more of the tubes on your attachment were to snap while you were cleaning, the entire attachment might begin to work less effectively. Plus, even if no tubes break, if you use them to clean heat vents or the spaces within powered-down portable heaters, there's a chance that they could get stuck somewhere and be difficult to retrieve. Won't Fold up Smaller Even when not attached to a vacuum, this universal attachment will measure about a foot long, so you'll need at least that much space to store it. It would be nice if there was the option to fold it up smaller and have it take up less space, so it could be stored in a small drawer or a vehicle's glove compartment. Warnings Power Down Appliances First Before you use this vacuum attachment to clean any small or large appliances that would normally be plugged in, be sure to unplug them and turn them off. That way, you'll ensure that the suction tubes of your attachment will never come in contact with an electrical charge, which could be potentially dangerous for both you as the user and the surrounding environment. Don't Submerge in Water While the Dust Daddy attachment will be able to withstand a few drops of water hitting it by chance, it's not meant to be completely submerged in water. You'll be able to use it to clean small pieces of debris out of a bathtub or sink, but you'll have to make sure there's very little water in that bathtub or sink first. The same goes for any other debris-filled area that may at some point be filled with water. If this vacuum attachment were to get completely wet, the water could damage it and the vacuum it's attached to. How to Use (Step by Step) Plug Into Universal Adapter To start using your Dust Daddy, you'll need to plug its black end into the blue universal adapter that has come with it. This adapter will help you attach it to any size or style of vacuum you want to use it with. Attach to Vacuum Once the attachment is securely connected to the universal adapter, you must attach the entire pair to the nozzle of the vacuum of your choice. Clean Almost Anything Next, when your vacuum and the attachment have been securely put together, you'll be able to clean almost anything with the two of them. The Dust Daddy attachment has been designed with indoor dirt and debris in mind, but if it's attached to a vacuum that you can safely use outdoors, it'll also suck up outdoor dirt. Remove Attachment (optional) When you're done using this vacuum attachment to do your cleaning, you can remove it and the blue universal adapter until the next use, or leave both attached to your vacuum if you'd like. Save Time If you don't have a Dust Daddy attachment, you may spend time switching between different vacuums and various other attachments in order to clean different things around your home. When you start using this particular attachment, however, less switching will be required, as this attachment will fit on any vacuum and will clean such a wide variety of things, you may rarely need others. Wise Advice Do not buy Handheld Dust Vacuum online before searching Amazon. - Alternatives or the same items are always available and sometimes at lower prices. - Read more at: https://TVStuffReviews.com/dust-daddy












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